
Showing posts from 2022

Bad Friends

Back in high school, I had a group of friends that mostly consisted of girls. I wasn't necessarily friends with them because  they were girls I was interested in or anything, but because they were fellow students at my school who happened to live in the same neighborhood as me. So we often hung out at the bus stop together or walked to each other's houses to do stuff after school. I considered them among my better friends until I started noticing things about them. For example, I'm pretty sure one of them stole money directly out of my bedroom in my own home once, and while I was pretty convinced I knew which one of them had done it, I had no evidence pinpointing any one of them other than to say that they had all been in my room that day, so it was something I really only knew and kept to myself. Most egregiously though, for me anyway, was that after high school, the one I thought I was closest to got married and never really thought to get in touch with me again afterward

Three Things

I was supposed to be going to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness  today, but since the person that was supposed to go with me decided to flake out, I'm writing a series of three things you may or may not know about me! Since this is still a new blog, I figured it's the perfect time for posts like these as sort of a "getting to know the author" type of thing. So here goes nothing! By the way, feel free to share three things about yourself in the comments after the post! I'd love to read some interesting facts about anyone that might be reading! I'm a Twitch Streamer! For anyone reading who may not know what Twitch is, it's a live-streaming platform where anybody can start their own channel and broadcast live online. It's generally gaming-related, but there are also categories for people who perform live music, create art, cook food, and a whole slew of other creative things. There's also a big category for people who go live just to c

New Blog, Same Dude

I used to write. Sometimes little stories that nobody ever read. Sometimes characters that I made up with friends that also used to write. Sometimes stories and anecdotes about my life that nobody really wanted to read. But it occurred to me recently, that at some point in my 37 years, I stopped writing. Have you ever noticed that as we grow older, our spirits start to harden and turn to stone? Our aspirations to become things like astronauts and rockstars start to fade and the cold corporate world starts chipping away at our souls in their place. We get caught up in this crossfire between who we want to be and who we need  to be. And one day, we wake up one day nearing middle age, wondering what the hell happened? Then again, when "someday" becomes today and it's just another day in your life... Well that's the oldest story in the world, isn't it? I've written words for the world to see off and on since I was roughly 14 and first gained access to the world wi